7 BASIC COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS | GLOW REGIME Fitness defines the ability to perform various physical activity, and encompasses a wide range of abilities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest along with a formal recovery plan. Fitness is generally divided into specific categories or components, They are • Flexibility • Coordination • Equilibrium • Speed • Agility • Strength • Endurance 1. FLEXIBILITY: Its the ability to move the body more easily…
8 Best moisturizers of 2023 | Dermatologist suggested | GLOW REGIME
8 BEST MOISTURIZERS OF 2023 | DERMATOLOGIST SUGGESTED | GLOW REGIME GLOW REGIME is reader-supported. When you buy through links in our site we may get an affiliate commission. Moisturizers are one of the most important ingredient to make up your skin care. It is dermatologically adviced to start using moisturizers and sunscreen from the age of 14. Moisturizers if applyed properly may do wonders in your skin and greatly improve your skin texture. So in this article we will be providing top 10 products which are personally suggested by dermatologists and soon will be posting on top 10 sunscreens. Follow us for much such updates on skincare and lets…
10 Natural plant based face packs for flawless skin | Powders for your skin | GLOW REGIME
10 NATURAL PLANT BASED POWDERS FOR YOUR SKIN | FACE PACK | GLOW REGIME GLOW REGIME is reader-supported. When you buy through links in our site we may get an affiliate commission. In this world, ruled by many tropical creams and gels, there comes a lot of demand for natural home-based ingridents which help in skin care. These days, it is really difficult to find out what products actually works on your skin without harming it. After a lot of research on actives in natural skin care products and self examinations, I m here with a bunch of natural plant based powders, which you may find mostly in your kitchen,…
8 HEALTHY FRUITS YOU MUST TRY THIS SUMMER | GLOW REGIME HOW DOES SUMMER AFFECT YOUR HEALTH ? It’s summer and time for wandering. But, what about your health? It suffers the most. During these summer days you lose lot of water through sweating and urination. This leads to dehydration. The main symptom of dehydration is extreme thirst. Overexposure to sun’s ultraviolet rays leads to skin infections (Sunburn). It can be noted through severely reddened, swollen skin and pain. 1. DEHYDRATION : When the water content in your body depletes, you get dehydrated. Summer induces you to sweat a lot. Perspiration, as well as fluid loss through…
6 Best Home Remedies For Removal of Stretch Mark | Get Rid Of Stretch Mark Naturally | GLOW REGIME
6 BEST HOME REMEDIES FOR REMOVAL OF STRETCH MARKS | LIFESTYLE CHANGES | GET RID OF STRETCH MARK NATURALLY | GLOW REGIME WHAT IS STRETCH MARK? Stretch marks are indented streaks which typically appear as bands of parallel lines on your skin.Skin is usually fairly stretchy, but when it’s overstretched, the normal production of collagen (the major protien that makes up the tissue in skin) is Distruped.Another major reason for stretch marks are increase of cortisone in our system.Cortisone is a harmone naturally produced by your Adrenal Glands. However having too much of this harmone can make your skin lose its elasticity. They are most common on your stomach,…
10 Best Home Remedies to Remove Sun Tan Naturally at Home | Do’s and Don’ts | GLOW REGIME
10 BEST HOME REMEDIES TO REMOVE SUN TAN NATURALLY AT HOME | DO’S AND DON’TS | GLOW REGIME WHAT IS TANNING ? Sun tanning is the process whereby skin color is darkened or tanned. Tanning is the process by which our skin pigment (melanin) increases in the skin after exposure to the sun leading to a darkening effect. A sun tan can put off your entire beauty regime, especially when you’re looking to attend a big event and look your best. This guide will help you understand how to get rid of sun tan naturally at home. LET’S GO! REMEDY 1: MULTANI MITTI + ROSE FACE PACK Multani…
10 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles Permanently | Under eye darkness | Do’s and Don’ts | GLOW REGIME
10 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles Permanently | Under eye darkness | Do’s and Don’ts | GLOW REGIME GLOW REGIME is reader-supported. When you buy through links in our site we may get an affiliate commission. The skin around the eyes is not only extremely sensitive but quite thin and delicate, so it is best to resort to natural remedies rather than chemical based products to treat these under eye darkness. In a nutshell, it’s not all that impossible to treat them. So, here’s a bucket list of simple and easy home remedies that I decoded about dark circles to help you out of my collective misery.…
10 best home remedies for fungal acne – Malassezia folliculitis | do’s and don’ts | GLOW REGIME
10 BEST HOME REMEDIES FOR FUNGAL ACNE – MALASSEZIA FOLLICULITIS | DO’S AND DON’TS GLOW REGIME is reader-supported. When you buy through links in our site we may get an affiliate commission. WHAT IS FUNGAL ACNE ? Fungal acne is a type of infection on your skin’s hair follicles. They are small bumbs especially present in forehead, cheek and chin. They are present close in clusters of same size without pus and remain itchy. It is caused when natural balance of yeast in your skin gets upset. They occur mainly due to moisture, diet changes, warm and humid environment, excessive sweating especially in oily skin people. HOME REMEDIES REMEDY 1: MILD EXFOLIATION …