Best Tinted Sunscreens in India | Is It Really Worth the Hype? | Glow Regime
You should look for a broad-spectrum tinted sunscreen in a nutshell, so that it has all 3, UVA, UVB and Visible light filters. This way you can save your skin from age related skin problems, cancer inducing changes and excess pigmentation.
Brilliant Oil Alternatives – Weight Loss Diet
For those who fear to take these oils in their food, I have brilliant oil alternatives in hand which are more natural and healthier options, most diet influencers and coaches fail to say you. Let's get started.
Hormonal Imbalance: Proven Home Remedies | Glow Regime
Just these 3 things mentioned above, when followed will help you see miraculous results. Infused waters are a great option not only for people with hormonal imbalance but also for those who want to lose weight or for those who gets tired easily or even if you cannot reach your water goal every day. Just start drinking it and you will feel the bliss.
Caffeine: 10 Remarkable Reasons for you to Take Caffeine Everyday
Caffeine is always a controversial topic, good or bad, right or wrong, how much to take, when to consume, with or without milk, a lot of questions right? Let's just answer it all. Starting from all the advantages, caffeine is a really good thing to consume, it helps you burn calories, and it helps you stay active. This energy is provided to you by burning the extra calories you have.
Shilajit Gold: Composition, Health Benefits, Authenticity, Side Effects and Precautions
Shilajit, Mumijo, Mumie or Mohave Lava Tube is an organic mineral substance found in mountains and caves, its distribution is very rare and is majorly found in Southern Asia. It can be seen from Himalayas, Pamir mountains to Iran, Mongolia and Southern Peru. Despite its wide distribution, the reserves of this raw material are very rare.
Constipation, causes, symptoms, diet and treatment
Atonic is the most common type of consstipation caused due to several common dietary reasons, also known as slow transit constipation. It is the result of slow rhythmic contractions (peristalsis) in our intestine which makes the stool to move slower, making it hard and dry. Common causes include lack of dietary fibre , dehydration, less physical activity and more.
Complete Weight loss Diet Plan #Vegetarian and 6 Eye-opening tips
Complete South Indian Weight loss Diet Plan #Vegetarian Glow Regime now presents you with sample weight loss diet plan exclusively for our vegetarian friends! Yeah, following a vegetarian diet is difficult since finding natural protein sources is hard and if you take required proteins via natural sources, there are a lot of chances that you may go high on carbs. Being vegetarian, you should be highly conscious on your diet if you are on a weight loss journey. We heard you! to give you a idea on diet, here is a sample weight loss plan. This plan is designed and calorie calculated for a weight group of 70 to 85…
8 Best and Fastest Ways to Cure Peptic Ulcers Naturally
PEPTIC ULCER – DEFNITION, CAUSES, SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS & DIETARY MANAGEMENT | GLOW REGIME Disclaimer: All the following is presented as personal opinion and does not mean to be medical advice. Always consult a physician for all medical advice. This document may contain errors or ommissions and should not take the place of licensed medical care. WHAT IS PEPTIC ULCER? Peptic ulcer is an erosion of mucosal lining of those portions of alimentary tract that come in contact with gastric juice. This disintegration of tissues can lead to necrosis. It may seem to be a simple throat pain in the begining or you may feel some discomfort like acompression in…