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Face and Body Hair Removal: Top 8 Techniques and Tips
There are various ways in which we can remove our body and facial hair, it totally depends on the way our is. There are a lot of different procedures starting from the very common shaving and waxing to procedures like laser and epilation. Let's thoroughly discuss about each and every technique, its pros and cons, which is going to help you find out what procedure will suit you the most.
Sensitive Irritated Skin: Skincare, Do’s and Don’ts
Is your skin irritated, do you have redness, inflamed and damaged skin barrier. Let’s talk about skincare for sensitive skin and the ways to build your healthy barrier.
Breaking out after Tretinoin (Retinoid)? Here’s What To Do
Our skin usually tends to breakout a lot when we use tretinoin, tazarotene or any forms of vitamin A, commonly called Retinoids. These breakouts, called purging and happens anywhere between 2 weeks to 3 months. Though these forms of retinoids proves to give us the dream glass skin, before all of it happens you will have the worst skin possible which is the reason for a lot of people to discontinue it.
Retinoids: A Complete Guide, Types, Do’s and Don’ts, How to Start | Glow Regime
Retinoids are Vitamin A derivaties which are basically converted into retinoic acid in order to use in skincare. They are very powerful anti aging molecules. Retinoid is a common term used for both over the counter and prescription retinoids.
Vitamin C – A Complete Guide | Best Serums 2023
Vitamin C is such a beautiful product discovered for our skin, its a versatile and evergreen ingredient in a good skin care. It does all good to our skin right from maintaining your acne to brightening your skin colour. Its basically a all-rounder. It need not require any priscription and can be started with very low percentage in your skin care.
Hyperpigmentation – Lightening Agents, Botanicals, Peels, Lazer, Diet, Home Remedies & Treatment
There are a lot of skin lightening agents available in the market including both botanical and non-botanical products. Non-botanicals are not chemicals and are not harmful. Yes, exceptions do exists and here in this article we will clearly discuss all kinds of ingredients famous in skin lightening with its advantages and disadvantages, including glutathiones.
9 Easy Tips for Getting Ultra Shiny and Smoother Hair
Hair wash atleast twice a week is recomended by every dermatologist no matter you go out or stay indoors. Our scalp has a natural property of producing a type of oil called sebum on our scalp which makes our hair and scalp look oily after 2 or 3 days of a hair wash. Many of oily scalp friends know it how!
Constipation, causes, symptoms, diet and treatment
Atonic is the most common type of consstipation caused due to several common dietary reasons, also known as slow transit constipation. It is the result of slow rhythmic contractions (peristalsis) in our intestine which makes the stool to move slower, making it hard and dry. Common causes include lack of dietary fibre , dehydration, less physical activity and more.
Secrets in Achieving Glass Skin, How to get it?
Glossy or glass skin has been on trend since then, but I have wondered a lot on the secrets behind it, What people really do to achieve it? How much time does it take? Are there any secret ingredients behind a glass skin? Is it genetics? and a lot more. Finally , after a long time of research, I m here with all the knowlwdge behind glass skin.
7 Incredible Reasons Behind Your Dandruff with Remedies!
Find the Incredible Reasons Behind Your Dandruff! The Common 7 with Remedies GLOW REGIME is reader-supported. When you buy through links in our site we may get an affiliate commission. What is Dandruff? Dandruff is something which ruins our happiness especially in winters, where the weather is very humid, things go clumsy likeeee no so good right! But believe me guys, there are treatments and remedies to give you results in few days. Any external discomfort can be knocked off with proper hygine. A treatment or a remedy can be given only if the cause is known to some extent, so here are the common six causes and remedies for all…