11 Overnight Masks that are Guaranteed to Change Your Skin | Products | GlowRegime

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I feel like starting this blog with a disclaimer, that no product is going to 100% transform your skin overnight but there are products which can give you maximum possible results with proper scientific background with its potent ingredients.
Yes, there are products like that even for beginners, some products which I am going to mention here just need occasional application and others need regular night application for the glow you need. We will also see both OTC solutions & creams along with some natural masks.
Beginner Products
We are going to discuss here about some extremely potent and well working tested and tried serums and creams. Let’s start with my most favorite Kojivit Ultra Cream which has a lot of natural extracts and actives combined in one tube.
This works on every kind of pigmentation, be it tan, under eye darkness, pimple acne scars, forehead darkness. This cream on long term use (Night) is going to change your skin so much even toned.
But for those who are allergic to Niacinamide, go for Kojivit cream, the Ultra version of this cream is just niacinamide + Kojivit in 1 tube. Even if you are confused about niacinamide working on your skin go for the later one. This can be used every continuous night, and you will see results within a week.

Another product which I just swear by when it comes to special occasions for that real overnight glow is Dr. Sheth’s Liquorice & 8.8% Lactic Acid (AHA) Chemical Peel. This is such an amazing product that I am on my 5th or 6th tube right now!
It has 8% lactic acid, so make sure that your skin has tolerance to it and also don’t forget to do a patch test before use. Trust me, this is such an amazing product. The lactic acid is basically going to exfoliate the skin overnight whereas liquorice is known for its brightening properties, trust me, you will surely see the results next day.
Products for Old Hand
Peeling solutions will take 1st place honestly, I have completely listed out every best product in the market including the beginner friendly ones on my article on Peeling Solution

The 2nd best overnight treatment option which will change your skin from core starting from tan, pigmentation, breakouts to even deep scars is Retinoids especially Tretinoin. But you have to start from basic simple form of retinoid, i.e. retinol will minimum concentration available.

Retinoids also comes with its own very well-known cons like purging, skin peeling and when stronger concentrations or forms are used it can even worsen your skin. Potent forms like tretinoin need prescription.
Check out my article on Retinoids, where I have written about every form of it, its pros and cons, how to start, its beginner friendly routine and many more.
If you are already used to potent forms like tretinoin and worrying about the breakage and purging which it causes, check out THIS article where I spoke about my journey of Tretinoin and how I successfully managed to go through my purging phase and every do’s and don’ts.
Natural Mask
The best mask with you can try in home with just simple ingredients found in your kitchen is here, no restrictions here that you have you use it only in night. Just try making this and using this fresh on your face once and you will get to know the magic this does.
In a mixer grinder blend a piece of potato and a piece of tomato with some soaked green gram. Thats it, make a paste with whatever consistency you are comfortable with, apply it on your face wait for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off with luke warm water.
The trick with whatever natural mask you use is not to do a proper face wash or cleanser on your face for a while after you have washed it so that the left-over essence in your pores soaks in and gives you better results. You can just leave it at least for an hour and then do a proper face wash.
Bonus Product for Body Tan

Body tan is also a major problem going on and I’m just going to give you 1 good suggestion here. Go and grab your hands on Glyco 6 or Glyco 12 based on your tolerance. This will be a gamechanger but will not give you overnight change. Unlike face, it’s hard to remove body tan and body tan will take more time and efforts than facial tan.
This product is also a night use one but with regular use along with a proper sunscreen, you will see visible results.
————-Glow Regime————-